What none can comprehend with the MIND, but by which, the sages say, the mind is comprehended, know that alone is the Brahman, and not this what we worship here in this loka.
The puja or Yajna, performed to the partial manifests or say, to the "representatives", would certainly put u on the glorious path, leading to the absolute "it'', but the gathi and pragathi (upward moves), should not be mistaken for the gantavya (goal)!
Mind or Manas is the mediator, which sends images (of reactions of the senses) to atma, by the power given by the Brahman (मन एव मनुष्याणां कारणं बन्ध मोक्षयो: Geetha ).
Manas is above the senses, which is used by both the SENSES and the Aatma/Brahman, and the 'mind' is a translator, probably called as BUDDHI. Buddhi could be understood as higher than mind and lesser than Atma/Brahman.
-Dr. KV Hebbar from Chennai 💥 03.08.2020🌷
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