Yes, it is a dream of going online. So your own Digizine India, a digital magazine venture to cater the needs of the new age netizens. From knowing about the developments around us in a unique, simple way, to be aware about the know-hows of the current digital era.

Working from home made all of us virtually tied to the clouds. When Coronavirus came calling, all of us start protecting ourselves inside the four walls to escape from its effect. Nature taught us about the importance of the cleanliness through washing our hands regularly, not touching our eyes, mouth, nose, ears unnecessarily; coughing and sneezing in public makes us look like a criminal! We are all masked, like Gandhi's three monkeys - Don't listen, don't see and don't speak the bad things in our life.

This is also one kind of positive untouchability, to be safe from health hazards like virus, bacteria, ugliness etc. This should be a teaching for all of us, to be clean in every sense, from our hands, legs, body to the speaking the clean language, breathing clean air, hearing clean noise, touching clean surfaces, doing the right things in our life.

This situation also taught us not to spit, not to sneeze in public places. Also, the Covid-19 taught us to take care of the real needy people around us.

We bring you the world, we bring you the tech, we bring you them in a way, you can get best benefit.

Good Luck and Bless us.

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